Belly Toner! (HIIT WORKOUT)

HIIT workouts are great to shed stubborn fat while also boosting your metabolism up to 48 hours after you're done working out! Losing belly fat is possible by diet, cutting down on sugar as well as processed food replacing that with whole foods, as well as fiber, and by the help of 'high intensity circuit programs'. We've made it simple this week by only using 3 different exercises! (No equipment required)



Warm up by walking in place or doing some light movements for around 5 minutes, followed by 2 minute stretching to reduce the risk of possible injuries during our workout. 


The following circuit is to be repeated 7 times total with 2 minutes rest between sets. 


20 seconds HIGH KNEES

20 seconds ELBOW PLANK

10 seconds BURPEES

20 seconds HIGH KNEES

20 seconds ELBOW PLANK

10 seconds BURPEES

20 seconds HIGH KNEES

20 seconds ELBOW PLANK

10 second BURPEES




You're done!! Way to go! Now it's time for a healthy smoothie! 



Want more? Let us know on our social platforms! Have a great day everyone!