MEET JOSE magallanes
I fell in love with fitness at an early age. I had gotten tired of people calling me names for being over weight as a kid. So I started working hard from there to change my life. I then became a personal trainer at the age of 20 and learned a lot more about supplements, nutrition and fitness I would work out religiously and took the correct supplements to help me reach my goals I had envisioned when I was a kid.
Which were to look like that lean muscular guy you would see in muscle magazines. I then started a supplement business in 2014 and realized 2 things over time. 1) it was hard to maintain my health and physique with all the long hours I was working to build the business from the ground up. 2) as much as I knew my products were great quality and gave results they weren’t reaching as many people as I would have liked.

Although my business was doing well I felt like I was just going through the motions day in day out at some point not reaching my full potential. There was no purpose anymore like there was when I first started to change my life or when I started my supplement business.
My reach on impacting people’s lives was limited. So I then restructured my business plan where my reach on impacting peoples lives is now endless and re launched Aesthetic Sports with a purpose to help people reach their active healthy lifestyle goals. To help people change their lives for the better. Most importantly to IGNITE YOUR PURPOSE!