The Immune system tips no one is telling you! 😳

Tips no one is telling you. Don't worry Aesthtic Sports Will!


Boosting your immune system has never been more important than right now.

We understand that a ton on information is coming at you and we want to ensure that you have all the right info to Be Active, Be Healthy, Be Better. 

As you know Aesthtic Sports takes a firm Stance towards your health and providing product tips, and useable information to help you become the best version of yourself and that is what we intend to do here!


3 Tips to improve your Immune System: 

1. Take the RIGHT vitamins

Vitamin C:  Important to help increase resistance against pathogens and improve the immune system.

Vitamin D: Associated with preventing infectious diseases. It is important when it comes to activating immune defenses.

Zinc: crucial in the growth, building, and repair of muscle tissue but also in immune status.  Diets that lack animal protein and fiber typically tend to be associated with lower zinc levels so if you fall into that category our Vegan superfood pro is a perfect choice for this! Shop it here! ----------> Shop Now 


     2.  Establishing your nutrition 

Fruits and Vegetables: keeping your diet high in fruits and veggies will help fuel your body with vitamins and minerals. Try to incorporate at least 1-3 fruits and veggies in every meal!

Avoid Preservatives and Excess fat: processed foods and fast food do not help your body in any way, in fact, it can hinder your immune system and lead to health issues! Eating out 1-3 times a week is okay, but try cooking your own foods at home!

       3. Exercise!

30-60 minutes of cardio at least 3x a week: Why? Implementing cardio is great for your overall heart health and keeps your body active! Whether it's just going for a walk outside or cycling through the hills, cardio can increase your T-cell count enabling your body to fight off infection and viruses.

Resistance Training: Lifting weights our using bands to exercise helps relieve stress throughout your body and releases endorphins. Less stress = healthier you!

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